Dr Kanad Kulkarni
Dr. Kanad Kulkarni is a Principle Petrophysicist with more than six years of experience in contributing to Competent Person’s report (CPR) to the stock exchanges around the world. He is a Course leader of BEng and MEng Petroleum Engineering Course at the University of Portsmouth. Dr. Kanad is formally educated with qualifications of PhD Petroleum Engineering, MSc Petroleum Engineering, MSc Geology and BSc Geology.
Dr. Kanad in his capacity as a Petrophysicist has contributed to successful teams in both Consultancy and research environments. Currently Member of Oil Field International’s in-house projects & studies team providing Geoscience and Petrophysical services to NOC’s, IOC’s and Independent’s. Conducted several large scale M&A’s evaluations. Part of international team to write Competent persons reports on early and late life fields. Also led multiple subsurface teams with the objective of identifying, assessing and pursuing near term development and production opportunities in operated and non-operated fields in Middle east, Africa, South East Asia.